Wedding Photos // Audrey & Charles
Charles Castanon,
Let us be partners, friends, lovers, today and on. Thank you for always being my rock. I promise always to respect you and love you. With kindness, unselfishness and trust, I will work by your side to continue the wonderful life we have together.
I vow to love you as you deserve to be loved: with admiration, passion, and respect, and to treat you like the handsome king that you are, even when you’re gassy and bubbly.
I vow to support your interests and nourish your passions: from working out to dieting to two stepping to head banging to eating sour candy, up to and including your passion to educating yourself and to being the best version of yourself.
I vow to remain loyal to you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I promise to resist the urge to fight you when you are difficult to get out of bed for early morning workouts.
I promise to always help you find your keys, phone, sunglasses, and Invisalign trays.
I promise to always feed your hungry belly and make your margaritas strong.
I vow to spoil you and continue packing all your bags for our trips.
I vow to make you laugh out loud until your belly hurts.
I vow to always let you try a bite of all my meals.
I vow to be the best parts of me that fit perfectly with the best parts of you
Although I will be imperfect, I pledge to be sensitive and respectful of your unique talents & abilities.
I vow to create a household and raise crazy children with you as partners and as equals, and be the greatest mom to our future little family.
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you pops.
I love you.
Audrey Delgado
To be completely honest, when I sat down to write my answers to these questions, I was so nervous that I didn't know how to perfectly describe you in only a few words, let alone form a perfect sentence. Just thinking of standing in front of our friends and family made me feel even worse, but then I thought of this moment and all the times you've supported me and had my back, and I thought of standing here next to you, and it made me realize everything was going to be just fine.
I know this might sound corny and maybe even cliche, but it only took three months of us dating for me to realize you were the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Some people looked at us like we were crazy when we moved in together after only seven months of dating, and I admit even though I was the one who proposed it first, I didn't actually expect you to say yes.
I know the question asked when I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but truth be told, I knew well before we moved in together. I never felt this way about anyone before. Nothing has ever felt so right in my entire life. I just want you to know that you mean absolutely everything to me.
So I stand here before you with no promises of a perfect marrige. We may not agree on everything, and we won't make the right decisions all the time, But none of those moments will matter because I know I will have you by my side. I promise to be there for you anyway I can, and I promise to work on not losing my wallet and phone everywhere we go.
I love you, Audrey!
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Downey, CA Wedding // Credits
All photos edited by Gud Brandon
Location: Downey, California
Photographer: Gud Brandon